Daring to be like Dorie

It seems that time passes by quite fast recently, or I'm just really feeling my age LOL! It seems like only yesterday when I made Dorie Greenspan's Party Cake. I've made this cake A LOT last year, first for my mom's birthday, then for my sister's sister-in-law potluck party, then it was for my brother-in-law's grandfather's birthday. So this cake with it's name really is a party cake in my family.

The challenge for the uber popular Daring Bakers this month is Dorie's Party Cake. This month's event is hosted by none other than Morven from Food Art and Random Thoughts. I'm quite delighted and disappointed at the same time when I found out this month's challenge, disappointed because I get to do this cake all over again sad because for this month I won't be able to challenge myself in making something new. But in the end, I can say that I had fun doing it :) Like in my previous versions of this cake. I still can't get that white-white look like in the book which is weird and frustrating, me being very u-sy, I want it to be perfect, unfortunately I haven't found the right brand of butter so it won't be yellowish in color.
Hopefully by my next try I'll get that pristine white look :)


I'm a nine to five pencil pusher who loves to play with flour and paper during my free time. Dreams of going to Europe and eat croissants and make pastries all day long!

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  1. Having fun it what it's all about! Your cake turned out beautifully.

  2. Good for you for making it again and having fun doing it. Too bad you didn't find yourself challenged through it though. There is always next month!

  3. that cool that you make this cake alot, i feel i need to buy her cookbook with such rave reviews of everything

  4. You did a lovely job on the cake!

    Natalie @ Gluten A Go Go

  5. yeah courney go and buy dorie's book!
