Daring Chocolate Valentino

I'm back! after months and months of not being able to join the Daring Bakers Challenge, I finally got the time to do it. To be honest I even almost forgot about it, I've been procrastinating again, which I know is a very bad habit and I'm trying to break that for several years now! Oh my!

For this month's challenge, Wendy of A Charmed Life from Arizona and Dharm of Dad ~ Baker & Chef from KL, Malaysia co-hosted this month's challenge. They both chose Chocolate Valentino as February being the month of hearts and two different types of ice cream: French Vanilla Ice Cream and Philadelphia Vanilla Ice Cream. Both styles of ice cream are great depending on your personal taste, the only difference is that Philadelphia style ice cream have no eggs in it so its much easier to do for those people afraid of doing a custard base, the only downside is that it's not as rich as the French Vanilla Ice Cream.

Living in a tropical country, I love my ice cream maker and I love making ice cream, however being the procrastinator that I am. As I was about to make the ice cream, I just realized that I'm out of cream and vanilla! Of all the .... !!! Well so no ice cream, no harm done at least I have some chocolates stashed away :D

The recipe for the Chocolate Valentino, Dharm got from Chef Wan who is a famous chef in Malaysia. The steps and ingredients are few and easy just butter, A LOT of chocolates, I used milk chocolate and eggs. How easy is that?

Errr...not quite I got too overeager and I think I over whipped my egg whites, for the life of me I can't remember what will happen but I baked it anyway what the check at least I'm gonna learn from that mistake, right? Right??? Well...I hope so

Another mistake I made is that I got scared because of the over whipped egg whites I thought it might turn out rubbery so took it out of the oven earlier than I was suppose too. Yeah you guessed it, the middle part of the cake was still gooey. Yikes!

All is not lost though, eaten cold they taste very chocolatey with all that chocolate that went in before, so use chocolate the you love to eat because you can really taste it. Hmmm...chocolates ;D

Daring Baker challenge completed! Phew! Barely got to the finished line am I so glad this is over. Till next month's challenge


I'm a nine to five pencil pusher who loves to play with flour and paper during my free time. Dreams of going to Europe and eat croissants and make pastries all day long!

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  1. you're chocolate valentino looks so yummy! what chocolate did you use?

  2. I used Tulips milk chocolate kind. I would have love to use Valhrona or Callebaut bittersweet chocolate but I wasn't really prepared when I made this so I made do with what I have. To be honest the tulip milk chocolate didn't taste bag it's actually good.

  3. Well done on the challenge! Thanks for joining us this month.

  4. Looks tasty. All that would have happened from over whipping the whites is that it would be a little dry. Which if you do like me and douse it in ice cream no one will know or care!

  5. I actually don't mind if the middle is still gooey. Just say you meant to make choc lava cakes with a gooey centre. Pair it with ice cream, don't think anyone will complaint. Your cake still looks delish!

  6. Anonymous10:48 PM

    I think you are being too hard on yourself - you finished didn't you = many did not do it. Yes the cake tastes exactly like the chocolate you use so use one that you like. I love the photos and I like it soft in the middle like a heart should be.

  7. Anonymous1:59 AM

    mmmm...looks tasty! yes, I think you're being too hard on yourself.

  8. Hey thanks guys, I feel so much better :D
