Making of a Pastry Chef

Starting this month of June until September this year, Fully Booked, which is a very popular bookstore here in Manila is hosting an event called THE BLOGGERS' CHALLENGE which basically is blogging about your favorite book and if get chosen, you get to win a FREE book. How cool is that!
Unlike most people, I read cookbooks like regular people read paperback books, so my choice for this event is Andre MacLauchlan's The Making of a Pastry Chef. This book to be honest started to bore me, but then I forced myself to read it and got truly inspired to change a career. This book gave me a glimpse on how some of America's best pastry chef started their culinary career all the problems that they have encountered and what they did to turn it into their advantage. Thankfully I persevered in finishing this book because it gave me an insight how self fulfillment and self satisfaction in our way of living is much better than any monetary amount, PASSION is everything in this field of work and striving to learn and invent something new everyday or else you'll get left behind. It opened up my eyes that being a chef is hard work not just what we see in the TV, it showed me the back end view on what it takes to be a great pastry chef.

This book is perfect for those people who loves to bake or cook who are thinking of a culinary career but are not sure with it. I highly recommend it, for your next birthday or Christmas splurge a little and give this book a read that it deserved.

For those who wants to join this event, drop by Fully Booked website to read more details about it.


I'm a nine to five pencil pusher who loves to play with flour and paper during my free time. Dreams of going to Europe and eat croissants and make pastries all day long!

1 comment:

  1. Nicole,

    Can you get in touch with with regard to the July Daring Bakers challenge. I've been trying to contact you for a couple of weeks now. You're scheduled to host!!! Please get in touch with me asap.


