SHF#53 All Time Favorite Desserts

This month's Sugar High Fridays will be hosted by non other than me! Sugar High Fridays is a monthly food blogging event created by Jennifer, The Domestic Goddess. Last month's event was theme was Copy Cat hosted by Marija of Palachinka, be sure to check it out.
For this month, my chosen theme is All Time Favorite Dessert. It can be anything from cake to cookies, just as long as it's something that you CANNOT live without. It doesn't have to be elaborate or very difficult, just as long as it's your go-to dessert when you think of eating any dessert at all.

1. Bake your All Time Favorite Dessert.

2. Take a photo and blog about it.(If you don't have a blog, email me both the pictures and the recipe). Pls do this before July 25,2009.

3. In your post please include links to Jennifer, The Domestic Goddess and to this blog

4. Email me at heaven_cole8 [at] yahoo [dot] com - with SHF as the subject, with the following info:
* your name
* your blog's name and url
* a link to your SHF post
* a photo (max. 250px wide)

5. Round up will be posted on July 30, 2009. (pls email me on or before July 25, 2009)

6. Enjoy!


I'm a nine to five pencil pusher who loves to play with flour and paper during my free time. Dreams of going to Europe and eat croissants and make pastries all day long!

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1 comment:

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