Taste of the Tropics

I love weekends! Specially Sundays when I'm off from work and I get to bake till my legs get tired. I even plan what I'm going to be baking next week, right after I just finish baking! I'm that addicted to baking.
Having spent so much already for new baking books. There were sale everywhere including 3 of my favorite local bookstores! For now my wallet is on recovery stage, I'm self confining myself at home and no more malling for me for at least 2 months! I do hope I get to fulfill this pack (I'm keeping my fingers crossed).
For now I'm often at home and you could see me pouring over the new books that I got, first thing I got to try is the White Chocolate and Macadamia Nut Cookies from The Complete Magnolia Bakery Cookbook. I have seen quite a lot of this white chocolate and macadamia nut rendition I just don't make it since macadamia nut has the highest fat content in all the nuts however after reading this book, for some reason I just have to try this. I think one of the things that made this more special is that it has some coconut mixed within the batter. I don't really care for coconut but I believe that in America and other western country coconut based desserts are big, so why not give it a shot, I've got nothing to lose right? It's actually a good thing that I did, the coconut added a nice texture to the cookie.
These are such fun and easy cookies to make, I just mixed up a batch put it in the fridge on Saturday night and went to sleep. Come Sunday afternoon took it out of the fridge, when it became soft enough, I used an ice cream scoop to portion them out. I had to squish them a little bit before baking to get that big cookie look. As I was busy loading them in the oven, a nagging thought popped in my mind.
Uh oh...have no idea what they are suppose to look like! (I'm on panic mode here) Uhmmm...Oh no!

I mean the cookie batter looks so yellowish and didn't think that they look appetizing at all. When they were starting to brown nicely, I was so glad. Phew! and here I thought those expensive macadamia nuts will just go to waste. I just could not believe how expensive macadamia nuts are at Php 1,200 per kilo (approximately around $26). I think they are worth it not being to sweet and it has this nice texture from the coconut a nice crunch from the nuts and a sweet nugget of white chocolate.
I'm doomed! These are one expensive and deadly cookies! Literally and figuratively. Yum ^_^


I'm a nine to five pencil pusher who loves to play with flour and paper during my free time. Dreams of going to Europe and eat croissants and make pastries all day long!

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  1. That book is a good buy-- paperback and collects two previous volumes that might have been ruined :)
    I'm not a fan of coconut too (shocking cos we live in the Philippines), but I'd eat those cookies in a heartbeat.

  2. i guess since we have coconut readily available here, we don't find it as exotic as some westerners do. But the coconut sure is good in this cookies.

    yeah the book is actually a good replacement to my other books ^_^

  3. Do you have the sugar cookies recipe in the book also? These are my fav at Magnolia...

  4. @ dolce - Hmmm...I got to give that a try then. I have to search for that recipe in the book
