Piere Herme Lemon Loaf

I spend most of my free time during the week wondering around the 3 connected malls in Makati. From time to time, I use it by doing some window shopping most often though I have to drop by the bookstore, kitchen store and the supermarket. I'm always on a look out for new ingredients and recipes that I want to try out whenever I get home. As of the moment I'm obsess with lemons, yes they are simple ingredient nothing fancy but we don't use it often in cooking unlike cooks from other country. What Filipinos usually use is a kalamansi. It's a citrus fruit with a sweet sour taste to it, much smaller than ping pong ball, that's how small it is. Imagine how many kalamasi I have to juice just to make a 1/4 cup of it. Hence, I buy lemons when I'm craving something citrus.
I've seen tons of recipe for lemon pound cake, believe me there are a lot of them. Though for me one of the best that I have ever tasted is from Pierre Herme, it's lemony without being too sour. My family who prefers eating chocolate compare to any other dessert eats this with a nice cup of coffee or a glass of milk. Honestly I think one of the reason I like making lemon based dessert is that I get to use my microplane grater. I just love the refreshing scent of freshly zester lemons and rubbing them against the sugar smells heavenly. My lemon loaf cake came out short though I'm not sure if it has something to do with the fact that as I was trying to thicken the eggs with sugar mixture, my ISP called me and I had to talk to him for wuite sometimes. As I got back to my bowl of egg/sugar mixture, it isn't as fluffy as it was earlier. I tried remixing it but to no avail it didn't thicken as much. The cake came out sort of flattish but still has that moist tender crumb. Instead of using plain white sugar for the syrup, I was feeling extravagant and use my secret stash of vanilla sugar. The flecks on top of the loaf are flecks of vanilla which made them more special. As soon as they come out of the oven, poke the cake and generously drench it with the vanilla lemon syrup. Cool to room temperature. Dallop a healthy spoonfull of blueberry filling/sauce, sit back relax and enjoy!


I'm a nine to five pencil pusher who loves to play with flour and paper during my free time. Dreams of going to Europe and eat croissants and make pastries all day long!

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  1. looks really yummy!

  2. looks really yummy!!

  3. I've heard a lot about this loaf, it certainly looks amazing :) Bookmarked!

  4. Yum. That just looks lovely.
