Carrot Cake for Easter!

I love Apple. I love the apps that I get from using Apple but then not everything is perfect. If so I would be living in a dream. What's that got to go with Carrot Cake? Well... my Pages app kept notifying me that its been ages since I posted something there. The first time it did that I was like oh OK that's cool IO have an auto reminder but the second and third time is not cool. Its like a stalker that I cannot shake off! OMG! 

Good thing is Holy Week was about to come. I got TWO whole days to kill, ahh living like a lady of leisure which is quite nice for a few days but it would drive me inside and make my family fat because I would be baking everyday! :D

Few days before the Holy Week vacation starts I stocked up on my baking ingredients. I even got this recipe from the popular Filipino chef Heny Sison herself. First off I would like to say I regret that I cannot post this recipe since Ms. Heny would not like that. The good news is for those who are interested to know how to make this moist chewy carrot cake go attend her classes, its a bit expensive compared to other baking class however I find her recipe and her way of teaching quite nice and very adaptable to what I need. She doesn't skimp on ingredients and on tips.

Making this takes a little elbow grease since you have to grate lots and lots of carrots and it uses massive amount of oil. I thought it would be oily but I trust Chef Heny since most of the recipes that I got from her are pretty straight forward and works almost all  the time. I must admit I made two mistakes in making this cake on my own for the very first time, first off instead of making this cake is using 3 pans like the recipe said I baked it using only 2 pans since its what I have on-hand  and I just split the layers into 4. Well what I got are shaggy moist layers. Second mistake is that I didn't double check the ingredients that I would need to make the creamy cream cheese frosting. Luck would have it I'm a block too short but then again I went ahead and tried it since make cake is already baked and cooling, there was no turning back now. So you can see from the photo above, I sort of skimp on the filling between layers fearing that I wouldn't have enough to cover the cake and I was right, I barely had enough. Most of the carrot cake I tasted are heavy and dense, this is surprisingly springy and light and have lots of crunch from the nuts. 

I've been looking for the perfect carrot cake recipe since I'm deluding myself into thinking its healthier than other cakes since it has a veggie in it namely the carrots! However as I was making it, I change my mind, it's sort of healthish, moderation is the key! :D Want to make something that sure to impress? Try making this carrot cake. People who don't like or avoid eating since it don't sound like a dessert after all since its made of a veggie, well..those people would be amaze how good this taste.

Happy Easter everyone!


I'm a nine to five pencil pusher who loves to play with flour and paper during my free time. Dreams of going to Europe and eat croissants and make pastries all day long!

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