Vanilla Bean Butter Cookies

Vanilla is one of the most utilized baking ingredient in the baking world. A little teaspoon goes a long way. The smell of it is very nice specially in baked goods and ice creams. You know those black flecks you see in premium ice cream? Those are vanilla beans from the vanilla pods. These vanilla pods are quite expensive since they are hand picked from a rare orchid plant. Though I have a hidden stash of vanilla pods around the pantry, I save those for special occasions. For these vanilla bean butter cookies I used the next best thing which is called vanilla paste. Vanilla Paste comes in bottles they sort of looks like vanilla extract but with thicker consistency and have tiny flecks of vanilla. I find more convenient to use these since all I have to do is unscrew the bottle so most often I use these. 
I wanted to try Peggy  Porschen's cut out cookie recipe not only because I'm one of her huge fan but also the fact that I heard so much good things about her cookie. How it not only taste great but very cooperative for cut doesn't shrink and puffs up when baked and it taste good. I don't want to bother making royal icing and waiting it to dry to make my cookies so instead I used these cute stamp alphabet set where you can make your cookie anything.  Mine was a simple celebration of having an awesome laid back Sunday so I made my cookies say "HAPPY SUNDAY". I rolled these out a little bit thicker than I normally do because I wouldn't want to punch a whole on the other side of these. Be sure to use butter and not margarine or shortening for these. They are called butter cookies for a reason so using cheaper alternative like those mentioned above can vary the taste. They turn out quite nice, thick and crunch on the outside and soft and chewy inside. They are excellent coffee companion and have just the right amount of sweetness. They taste buttery without being oily. A word of warning though don't sit with a full jar of these beside you because in a few minutes you wouldn't notice that you ate almost half of the batch! (Guilty *blush*)

Happy Sunday! (nom nom...munching)


I'm a nine to five pencil pusher who loves to play with flour and paper during my free time. Dreams of going to Europe and eat croissants and make pastries all day long!

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