Granola Anyone?

Granola. I love eating and making granola. I'm not sure if it's because making and eating granola makes me think that I'm doing something healthy for a change.

I got this granola recipe from Cafe Fernando, I revised it a little to suit me. The original recipe called for wheat bran, did not have that at hand so I use flax seed which turn out nice for me, no sunflower seeds either, so I use my favorite walnuts (I should have added more! they are delicious toasted and crunchy). Cafe Fernando used blueberries I used both cranberries and blueberries, for practical reason, I ran out of blueberries! It's midnight and all the stores are closed! This is the sort of fun project for those nights when you don't have a lot of time, but you feel restless and you just have to make something, this is it, and just think, come morning you'd have a delicious breakfast to start your day.
Did not really care for the molasses that was called for in this recipe because it such a pungent smell that my little brother won't such it because according to him "It smells bad!" Anyone has a suggestion what I can substitute molasses with? Aside from that I absolutely love this recipe and would definitely do this again. What I particularly like aside from the taste is that it look so gorgeous, if I do say so myself :)


I'm a nine to five pencil pusher who loves to play with flour and paper during my free time. Dreams of going to Europe and eat croissants and make pastries all day long!

1 comment:

  1. Substitute honey 1-1 or do some Dulce de Leche and use that 1-1 or even 2-1. Thats what I like about cooking, doing the way that you like it.
    I see that your wanting some KA flour, I'm thinking of it also, but I get very good results from pure foods hard wheat flour so now I'm in-between. If you do want to order, I might split a balikbyan (sp?)box with you if your interested.
