SMS: Chewy Peanut Butter Cookies

I love peanut butter! Next to chocolates, of course :p However, that doesn't always seem the case, I remember when I was a child, I hate peanut butter. But every morning that what my yaya would make for breakfast, peanut butter spread on toast. It's easy and very efficient for her and we (my brother, my sister and I) didn't always had a time to eat a proper breakfast. We often overslept and was often tardy. Oh how I love to sleeping in during mornings, I wasn't a morning person, I still am not.
i have been baking for many years now, but believe it or not this is my first time in making a Peanut Butter Cookies. Thanks to the generous people of Sweet Melissa Sundays, I finally got the opportunity to do so. I actually could not believe that I haven't tried this before. It taste awesome very peanut buttery. It actually taste like Choc Nut, my favorite local peanut butter chocolate and a bit like the Chinese peanut bars my grandma used to buy for us in Binondo (China Town).
I had fun putting that criscross pattern with the fork. This is also the first time I made cookies that are just a tablespoon full each. I'm used to using my huge ice cream scooper that makes fabulous Chunky Chocolate Chip Cookies. All ends well, the cookies grew a bit bigger when baked and just the right size, to pop in the mouth.

Very Yummy! Definitely a sure repeat in my house.


I'm a nine to five pencil pusher who loves to play with flour and paper during my free time. Dreams of going to Europe and eat croissants and make pastries all day long!

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  1. How lovely, your pictures are just perfect :)

    So glad you joined us over at SMS, I look forward to seeing a lot more :)

    Katie xox

  2. I doubled this recipe and Im so glad I did. I really love these cookies! Im glad you enjoyed this recipe too!

  3. Perfect crosshatches! :) Welcome to SMS!

  4. Welcome to the group! Your cookies look gorgeous! I love how prominent your crosshatches are :)

  5. Very yummy indeed. I love your photos!

  6. Thanks! for the warm welcome.
    I having such a great time :D

  7. I LOVED these cookies! Needless to say they are almost gone and I just baked them at noon!

    Lovely pictures :)

  8. Your cookies look great, I'm glad you had the opportunity to bake peanut butter cookies - so yummy! And welcome to the group!

  9. your cookies look perfect :)

  10. Glad to see that you've joined us!
    These cookies are so pretty!

  11. Welcome to SMS and your cookies look very good. Great pics!!!

  12. Thanks guys! but are they really suppose to crack? I like them that way but is that how they are suppose to look like?

  13. Welcome to the group! Your cookies look wonderful!
