My Dulce de Leche . . .

After my debacle with my first dulce de leche, I sucked it up and made it the way I've read and seen people do it. I really had three choices: (1) submerge an unopened can of condense milk in water and boil for 3 hours, keep replenishing the pot as the water boils away. (2) using a pressure cooker, submerge an unopened can of condense milk in water and boil for 30 mins. keep replenishing the pot as the water boils away. (3) the oven method --- David Lebovitz has posted an amazing indtruction how to do it. Guess which I chose??? Of course, I chose the easiest and most practical. Choice (1) isn't really that cool will me because for one thing I'm NOT gonna used up our gas tank for 3 hours just to make dulce de leche, my mom would kave killed me! Since gas tanks nowadays are so much more expensive than let's say a month ago. Choice (3) well let's say I'm thinking of the electric bill so this method is a no go for me. Choice (2) which I find very much doable because thankfully I have a pressure cooker...err... correction my mom has one :) It takes the least amount of time and seems like such an easy process so ... Choice (2) it is.

Got so excited with my newly made dulce de leche, I decised to make it into a brownie. I used a regular brownie recipe and swirl in the dulce de leche. Didn't turn out as good as I would have liked it its tough and dry, I didn't like it at all. I think it's because my dulce de leche is a bit too watery, I need to thicken it a bit more. there's always next time I guess ....


I'm a nine to five pencil pusher who loves to play with flour and paper during my free time. Dreams of going to Europe and eat croissants and make pastries all day long!

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